Hoppy Buzz Mead

Hoppy Buzz Mead

$2.50 / 355 mL Bottle

  • Alcohol %
Revolution Bees' Hoppy Buzz begins with the best local honey harvested by our beekeepers. To take this mead to the next level, we introduce a blend of aromatic hops which add depth and complexity. The result is a unique fusion of floral honey sweetness and the hop-forward character that beer enthusiasts adore. Our Hoppy Buzz is gluten free.

Brand for Revolution Bees
Revolution Bees was founded by three beekeepers located outside of Philadelphia, PA. We focus on the promotion and education of responsible, sustainable beekeeping. Our artisanal meads reflect the unique floral notes of the honey foraged by our honeybees, and a bit of artisanship.
Revolution Bees
97 Temple Road
Glen Mills, PA 19342-1234

Lemon & Basil Buzz Mead

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Strawberry Buzz Mead

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