Traditional Orange Blossom Honey Wine

Traditional Orange Blossom Honey Wine

$19.99 / 750 mL Bottle

  • Alcohol %
Silver Bronze
Reminiscent of an off-dry white wine, while boasting unique floral, fruity and honey forward flavors from orange blossom honey. Featuring a rich and balanced palate while maintaining superior drinkability, this mead is perfect for a spring or summer day. Pairs exceptionally with fish or any spicy meal! Drink at room temperature or in a chilled or iced glass. Aerate and enjoy! Sweetness: Off-Dry to Balanced Tasting Notes: Light springtime honey, white grape, citrus.


citrus forward, white grape, floral, citrus

Brand for Phila Mead Co.
We are a Philadelphia based meadery producing in Parkesburg, PA. Pickups for deliveries will be made from our production facility. We are a fledgling company who hopes to bolster awareness and sales online and find a national reach on customers looking for mead and beer alternatives in an otherwise sparsely populated part of the market!
Phila Mead Co.
3000 E Lincoln Hwy
Parkesburg, PA 19365-9187


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