Mad Horn Meadery

Brand for Mad Horn Meadery
Mad Horn Meadery is out of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Established in 2021, Mad Horn products are only made with the most quality ingredients and always made natural, with the utmost care. Give it a try!

Pickup hours Mon-Thur 8:00am - 3:00pm, Fri 8:00am-1:00pm.
Mad Horn Meadery
205 Granstand Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Long Sleeve Shirt - 3XL

Pickup / Local Delivery Only
$24.00 /

Long Sleeve Shirt - 2XL

Pickup / Local Delivery Only
$24.00 /

Long Sleeve Shirt - XL

Pickup / Local Delivery Only
$22.00 /

Long Sleeve Shirt - LARGE

Pickup / Local Delivery Only
$22.00 /

Long Sleeve Shirt - MEDIUM

Pickup / Local Delivery Only
$22.00 /

Long Sleeve Shirt - SMALL

Pickup / Local Delivery Only
$22.00 /

Royal Dreki Loganberry Mead

$16.00 / 4 x 250 mL Can

Sunset Tide Tangerine Mead

$16.00 / 4 x 250 mL Can

Theodin's Cranberry Mist

$16.00 / 4 x 250 mL Can

Viking Vacation Agave Wine

$16.00 / 4 x 250 mL Can

Gold Standard 4 Pack

$16.00 / 4 x 250 mL Bottle

Tincture of Tea

Pickup / Local Delivery Only
$16.00 / 4 x 250 mL Bottle