Rose Cardamom Mead 750ML

Rose Cardamom Mead 750ML

WA - Washington
$28.00 / 750 mL Bottle

  • Alcohol 12.2%
Dbl Gold, Seattle Wine Silver, NW Wine Summit
Double Gold Medal, Seattle Wine Awards 2017. Silver medal, Northwest Wine Summit 2017. Seattle Magazine Top Five Meads in Washington in 2015. Off-dry mead infused with rose petals, fresh ground cardamom, and sun dried vanilla bean. 12% ABV, 750ML. This off-dry mead is infused with rose petals, fresh ground cardamom, and sun dried vanilla bean. This complex yet delicate blend of floral and spice notes is rounded with the smoothness of vanilla that will keep you guessing (and sipping)! Tasting choices will rely heavily on the nuanced balance of the floral notes-the citrusy rose, with the almost peppery but cool spice character of the cardamom. Pairing suggestions: Fruits like apricots, those handy goat/sheep cheeses, potentially Gouda or a sharp cheddar, kalamata olives. Entrees: think anything curry. Thai curries, Indian curries like Tikka Masala. Desserts to pair with Rose Cardamom, the sky is the limit. Dark chocolate, fresh fruit/berries with vanilla whipped cream, cardamom ice cream, scones or butter biscuits (Swedish/Norweigian desserts and baked goods which have cardamom in them also are suggested).

Brand for Hierophant Meadery LLC
Hierophant Meadery is a producer of fine honey wines made with sustainably sourced honeys and botanicals. Located in Mead, Washington, Hierophant specializes in off-dry to semi sweet meads, as well as session meads made in the metheglin style (containing botanical ingredients).
Hierophant Meadery LLC
5586 Double Bluff Rd
Freeland, WA 98249-9401

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