2016 JazZzBeRi BzZz

2016 JazZzBeRi BzZz

MI - Lake Michigan Shore
$5.00 / 12oz Bottle

  • Alcohol 6%
If an alcoholic beverage could be produced from the sounds coming from Miles Davis' horn it would taste like this; a phrase of Cran', a voice of Rasp', a note of Funk and a crescendo of Soul. Warning! This beverage is refreshingly funtastic and if you pair this with cheesecake you may overindulge.

Brand for Acoustic Brewing Company LLC
12 varieties of small meads, hard ciders, and cysers
119 North Maple
Traverse City, MI 49684-2238

2016 Apple BzZz

$5.00 / 12oz Bottle

2016 Harmonic BzZz

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle

2016 Honey BzZ

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle

2016 StrawBeRi Rose BzZz

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle

2016 BlueZBeRi BzZz

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle

2016 Maple Apple BzZz

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle

2016 CheRi-BeRi BzZz

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle

2016 Rock Hard Cider

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle

2016 Electric Bzzz

$5.00 / 12oz Bottle

2016 Cherry BzZz

$4.50 / 12oz Bottle